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Benefits of Barberry for Health
Benefits of Barberry for Health
1) Berberis was well known to the ancients as a medicine, a dietetic for the sick, and a dye.
2) Barberry has been used in traditional herbal medicine since early Egyptian times, when it was combined with fennel seed to prevent plague and treat fevers
3) Barberry is used to ease inflammation and infection of the urinary (bladder and urinary tract infections), It is used to treat abnormal uterine bleeding, gastrointestinal, and respiratory tracts.
4) Barberry may be an effective treatment for diarrhea. Barberry may cause diarrhea, especially in larger amounts.
5) Research studies indicate that the alkaloid berberine may fight bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections.
6) Another alkaloid in barberry, called berberamine, is believed to help fight infections by stimulating white blood cells called macrophages.
7) To improve indigestion, it is recommend a liquid form, such as a liquid extract or tea, because the bitter taste is thought to help it's medicinal action. It's usually taken 15 to 20 minutes before a meal.
8) Barberry is thought to promote the secretion and flow of bile .Although it's sometimes promoted as a herbal remedy for gallstones.
9) Barberry may lower blood pressure
10) Piles, dysentery, diarrhoea, ulcers can all be treated effectively with the extracts of this tree.
11) Barberry also contains chemicals that reportedly enlarge blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure
12) It effectively works against the bacteria that become resistant to antibiotics, with time.
13) It helps decrease the heart rate, reduces bronchial constriction, and slows down breathing..
14) The alkaloid berbamine present in barberry helps in the treatment of amebic hepatitis and rheumatoid arthritis.
15) The berries of barberry are rich in vitamin C, which is required by the body for a healthy and glowing skin. Apart from that, it also helps remove toxic substances from the body and maintain strong bones and teeth.
16) The herb helps destroy bacteria on the skin and is also applied topically on burns.
17) Overdose of barberry can result in nosebleeds, vomiting, diarrhea, confusion and kidney irritation.
18) Pregnant women should not use barberry, because it may stimulate uterine contractions and cause miscarriage.
19) Excessive usage of barberry should be avoided, as it can lead to stomachache, lethargy, nosebleeds.